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Dr. G. Parthasarathy, Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gall Bladder and its functions:

The gallbladder is a part of the human digestive system. It is placed below the liver on the right side of the human body and next to the pancreas. The gallbladder is shaped like a pear and hollow in structure. Its main function is to store and concentrate bile, a yellowish-brown digestive enzyme produced by the liver to aid the digestion. The gallbladder is hence also part of the biliary tract as it is a reservoir for bile. A hormone named cholecystokinin is released which signals the gallbladder to contract and secrete bile into the small intestine through the bile duct.

Problems that you can have with your gallbladder:

The gall bladder is an organ which is susceptible to stones. Excess amounts of cholesterol, bilirubin, or bile salts can cause gallstones. Stored bile crystallizes or hardens to form gallstones. The presence of gallstones is usually asymptomatic until the stones reach a certain size, which causes severe abdominal pain and discomfort, as it may cause obstruction of the biliary duct. Very rarely malignant tumors grow in the gallbladder sometimes; the most common problem, however, is gallbladder stones.

Treatment options:

If the gallbladder stones are small, the doctor usually suggests diet restrictions. If the stones are silent irrespective of size (no symptoms) if the stones are symptomatic(pain and discomfort) when the stones are crossing the size then surgery is the only option left. Open cholecystectomy otherwise referred to as open gallbladder surgery was done to remove the gallbladder by making a large open incision in the abdomen. Gastroenterologists perform the procedure to provide the best and permanent relief to a patient suffering from gallstones and other allied problems associated with the gallbladder. Nowadays laparoscopic surgery with keyholes incision is done for gallbladder removal which makes it easier and comfortable to the patient as the post-operative pain is quite negligible.

Risk factors for gallstones: Gallstones usually afflict us in the following cases:

  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Diet which is high in fat or cholesterol
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Diabetes
  • High fiber consumption
  • Suffering from liver cirrhosis
  • Pregnancy
  • Recreational party drugs, marijuana etc are a big no

Lifestyle modification can prevent gallbladder stone. Diet consumed must be a gallbladder friendly diet. Even after surgery certain dietary restrictions have to be followed, food high in fat must be avoided, fried items must be avoided.

Diet and gallbladder stones:

Being at risk or not for gallbladder stones is not important. It is important we eat the best food to maintain a healthy gallbladder, as in turn it helps us to stay healthy and enjoy our lives.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are very filling high in nutritious values contain water and help us stay hydrated
  • Whole grains such as oats, wheat, millets are harmless to satiate our hunger and lower cholesterol content in the body.
  • Lean meat and poultry items help provide essential proteins to the body.
  • Low-fat dairy products rich in calcium contents such milk can be consumed in moderation.

Few studies have noted that drinking coffee that contains a certain amount of caffeine can lower the risk of gallbladder stones. Consumption of low or moderate levels of alcohol or peanut butter can help do the same, which is still under evaluation. Diet alone will not work miracles but a moderate amount of exercises also help in digestion and metabolism which enhances the functioning of the gallbladder. It is important to stick to a pattern of timely food every day, even if you are travelling. Breakfast must be eaten before 9 AM lunch between 1 to 2 APM, snacks or tea at 4 PM, early dinner before 8 PM. This ensures good digestion. Food low in calories must be consumed at all times to avoid gallstones.

Food that must be avoided if you have gallbladder problems

Gall bladder problems usually occur on account of mindless eating of food low in nutrition and high in fat. We tend to eat to satisfy our taste buds; we must know and eat what the body wants, not what our taste buds are like. It is very important to avoid:

  • Junk food like burgers, pizzas, fried items like Samosas
  • Highly processed foods like sweets, red meat, cookies
  • Whole milk products highly saturated in fats like ghee, white butter, cheese
  • Avoid heavy alcohol consumption
  • Avoid following a diet plan of your own. It has to be done under an expert nutritionist or the doctor who is treating you for your problems as yo-yo diets or detoxification diets may harm the gallbladder as more of cholesterol and are released during such diets.

If already have gallbladder stones, the diet may certainly not help you to get rid of the stones but helps in reducing the symptoms to a great extent, helping you to carry on with your routine activities. If your symptoms worsen it is important to see your doctor. The best food for gallbladder stones is a low-calorie diet which rich in nutrient value and water content which aids weight loss also.

KIMS hospital, Secunderabad is a renowned name in the field of gastroenterology. It is the best hospital for gallbladder ailments. Our gastroenterologist surgeons are highly qualified and experienced in treating various types of gallbladder ailments. Our gastroenterologists team up with our expert nutrition specialists to advise you on the best diet plan or diet chart to suits you and your symptoms are managed effectively. You are suggested to go in for gallbladder removal if and only if it is needed depending upon your prognosis and your response to alternative treatment. We have a proven track record in performing minimally invasive procedures to treat gallbladder ailments. KIMS has proven to be the best hospital for the treatment of gallbladder stones with the best outcomes in the patients. Our nutrition experts suggest the best food for gallbladder stones and help you manage your condition.



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