The research on Parkinson’s disease genetics has been very beneficial as it has not only lead to the discovery of new treatments but also in formulating new drugs. This has accorded in better treatment by Parkinson’s disease specialists.People with Parkinson’s disease genes are not necessarily prone to the disease itself but the study of these subjects have helped in working on new therapies. They are a remarkable asset for the study of genetic construction in Parkinson’s which can change the destiny of a Parkinson’s patient.
The study revealed the mutations of a gene called SNCA (Alpha-synuclein) has a connection with people suffering from Parkinson’s. This theory has proved it wrong that the disease had got nothing to do with the genetics for Parkinson’s. The one’s that’s not linked to genes are those that come with genetic and environmental factors which are identified as idiopathic or sporadic in nature.
LRRK2 is yet another gene that has undergonemutations and was mostly found earlier in people from North America and Europe that led to Parkinsonism.It is observed that at least 2 percent of the cases with Parkinson’s from Eastern Europe and North Africa have this gene.
Mutations in the two genes LRRK2 and SNCA do mean a high risk of Parkinson’s but it need not develop Parkinson’s symptoms or result in Parkinson’s. However, there are chances of environmental factors in combination with the genes contributing to Parkinson’s or relieve one from Parkinson’s .
The genetic research says:
The SNCA genes produce a certain protein called alphasynulien that forms clumps in the nerve cells of the Parkinson’s patient’s brain. This phenomenon has led to the development of new drugs. The research headed by specialists recruit people who are undergoing genetic mutations for their study in order to observe the biological and clinical aspects of the genes. The genes so found produce a certain protein that has led to evolution in the formation of drugs for Parkinson’s.
The Parkinson’s disease treatment is going to be very effective with the on-going research. The Parkinson’s patients who allow themselves for the clinical research apart from being treated for the disease are not only helping in the research but also are going to create an epoch enable better chances of survival.
The decision is left to the participant who would be going through a complete genetic analysis to study mutations with the approval of his family. The study of these mutations can help in a faster recovery and also in making new drugs.
The ethnic groups from Ashkenazi, North African Arab Berber and Basque with the significant gene of LRRK2 are recruited for case studies. The Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative’s (PPMI) motive is to understand the genes, their progression and the risks involved. Based on certain results they absorbed for a five year comprehensive study.