A block in the blood vessel will reduce the blood flow to the bowel or the gastrointestinal system. This condition is diagnosed as intestinal ischemic syndromes. They are also identified as visceral or mesenteric syndromes. It is the result of the narrowing of the three major blood vessels such as celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery or inferior mesenteric artery that causes intestinal ischemic syndromes explains the gastrointestinal specialist doctor at KIMS Hospital in Hyderabad.
Causes :
The fatty matter and plaque that gets collected on the blood vessels leads to a condition called atherosclerosis that further causes blocks. Blood clots and aneurysms may also contribute to Intestinal ischemic syndromes. Age can also be an additional factor. Anyone above 60 years of age is also susceptible to this condition. Yet anyone irrespective of any age can have the disease.
Symptoms and Diagnosis :
The arteries function is to supply oxygen rich blood and nutrients to the entire body that includes your intestines. But when you are diagnosed with Intestinal Ischemic Syndrome your blood vessels are narrowed causing a block in the heart and at the same time affecting you’re which the flow of blood to the intestine.
Sometimes a blood clot is formed and travels causing a sudden block. This can also be the reason for your intestinal ischemic syndrome. This could be life threatening as the tissues below the blocked blood vessel will no longer get the blood and oxygen supply.
Symptoms :
Diagnosis :
A thorough diagnosis will give clarity of your health condition that further enables your physician to accord a treatment for any gastrointestinal problems or your intestinal ischemic syndromes.
Treatments :
An embolectomy may have to be performed as a final resort to remove the blood clot. A bypass surgery to restore the blood vessels is another surgical option during which he may use artificial grafts. In certain cases he may have to remove a portion of the intestine, if the tissue is dead. Arteriogram can also be applied to break the clot in the artery.
KIMS Hospitals is one of the best gastrointestinal centres in Hyderabad for it has the best doctors who can diagnose the condition without wasting much time and start the treatment. Such is the expertise they have with regards to diseases concerning with intestinal syndromes.