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Dr. B.G.K. Sudhakar, Monday, October 28, 2019

The Heart is the life-giver to our body, the day our heart stops beating we cease to exist. It is imperative to keep our heartbeat ticking all the time. Heart failure is a disease that affects millions and millions of Indians annually. Heart failure is progressive in nature and the condition of the patient keeps deteriorating if he does not take enough care. The rate at which, the heart failure progress, varies from an individual perspective considering his prognosis.

It is important to take care of our heart if we are diagnosed with heart failure or congestive heart failure, to improve the quality of life and avoid getting hospitalized. Your cardiologists will suggest cardiac rehabilitation programs.

  • Getting involved in a cardiac rehabilitation program will make your heart healthy: Cardiac rehabilitation program is the best thing you can do to start feeling good. A tailored program is given to you to suit your height weight and age usually comprising of walking, jogging, swimming or light aerobics, exercise maintains your heart and helps increase the life expectancy rate.
  • Eating heart-healthy foods such as cereals, fruits, vegetables and avoiding junk food ensures good heart health.
  • Taking regular medications as prescribed by the doctor, and attending the scheduled check-ups ensures a healthy heart
  • Keep yourself free from stress-related issues stay connected with family and friends always feel happy.
  • Make changes to your unhealthy lifestyle and make it a healthy one. If you are a smoker quit smoking, step by step.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.
  • In certain, cases you may have to undergo special procedures such as angioplasty to improve your condition even after you have had a by-pass.
  • Don’t ignore any symptoms of chest pain or discomfort, report it immediately.

Getting the requisite blood examinations and ECG, or 2d echo or cardiac stress test done as per your cardiologist’s advice helps you prevent panic attacks. Intracoronary ultra-sound or coronary angiography, echocardiography and, nuclear scan diagnose any heart conditions that are abnormal.

Lifestyle modification is the first step in living with heart failure; it helps you reverse your condition to a great extent.

At KIMS, we have state of the art heart center helping many patients recover from dreadful heart diseases. We have the best cardiologists in Hyderabad who are patient-focused. We have many patients coming from all parts of Asia and not only India for getting their heart ailments treated. We have the best cardiothoracic surgeons, preventive cardiologists, heart specialists to treat you and help you manage your condition.



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