Consultant Pediatric Haematology, Oncology, BMT
OP Timings:
Available at Kondapur:
Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm
Every Wednesday & Friday: 9 am to 12 pm
Available at Gachibowli:
Every Wednesday & Friday: 1 pm to 5 pm
After formal paediatric training, Dr Chandana has entered Senior residency in Niloufer Hospital, Osmania. She further pursued fellowship in Paediatric Haematology and Oncology from Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi from Indian Academy of Paediatrics, PHO Chapter. She gained immense clinical skills during that time. She later continued her practice at Apollo Cancer Centre, Hyderabad as Junior Consultant handling complex cases alongside adult counter parts. She later pursued Clinical Fellowship in the same field at Great Ormand Street Hospital, London, UK where she got to involve in new and cutting edge treatment modalities being practiced in United Kingdom like front line immunotherapies, CART cell therapy and observing many research phase 1, 2 trials both in haematology and oncology domains..