Dr. Kesava Reddy Mannur

Clinical Director of Metabolic & Bariatric surgery

I. Qualification / Education:

  • MBBS
  • LRCPS (Scottish Triple)
  • FRCS 
  • FRCS (gen)

II. Experience:

Has been in surgery since 1977. Trained in surgery first in Madras Medical college from 1977 to 1980, and then in UK in various centres, mainly in Cardiff, Stevenage and Royal London Hospital. Was consultant surgeon in UK from 1993 to 1994, in Hyderabad Apollo and Mediciti from 1995 to 1997, and again in Royal London Hospital and Homerton Hospital, London from 1998 to 2017 and then in private hospitals The London clinic and others from 2007 till now. Has experience in all types of bariatric surgery including revisional surgeries, gallbladder surgery, reflux surgery and hernia surgery and oesophagectomy, gastrectomy and colectomy and piles and gastroscopies.

III. Expertise:

  • Metabolic and weight loss surgery and revisional surgeries for weight gain 
  • Hiatus hernia and gastro-oesophageal reflux GORD/heartburn surgery
  • Gallbladder surgery for gallstones and cholecystitis
  • Hernia surgery
  • General surgery as needed.
  • Laparoscopic and Robotic surgery
  • Gastroscopies and endoscopic dilatation

IV. Area of Interest:

  • Diabetes and sleep apnoea
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic syndrome / PCOS
  • Acid reflux / heartburn GORD
  • Gallstones
  • Hernias

V. Publications: many in reputed journals and abstracts in conferences 

  • Academia. https://www.academia.edu/mentions?featured=114879831897&hc=false  
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3422-9666 

VI. Memberships:

  • Telangana Medical Council and GMC of UK
  • OSSI – obesity and metabolic surgical society of India
  • BOMSS – British obesity and metabolic Surgical society
  • NICE – National Institute for Health and Care excellence 
  • International federation for the surgery of obesity and Metabolic disorders (IFSO)
  • Indian Medical Council & Association of Surgeons of India
  • Indian Gastroenterological & Endoscopic Society
  • Royal Society of Medicine

VII. Awards and Honours:

  • Director of Bariatric surgery, Homerton University Hospital, London
  • was appointed  Professor and Head of Department  of surgery in Deccan Medical college, Hyderabad, India in 1994.
  • Has been council member for British Obesity and Metabolic Surgical Society BOMSS. Still advisor to national institute of clinical excellence nice guidelines
  • Approved 7 senior fellowships in UK to get royal college of surgeons recognition and 3 other surgical fellowships
  • Was examiner for MBBS in UK apart from bariatric fellowships etc.
  • Done a lot of work on natural orifice surgeries notes 2005 to 2008 in Germany and presented in various conferences and published the results.
  • Live demonstration of fundoplication/anti-reflux procedure in 1998 to RCS of England
  • Invited to MAYO’S CLINIC IN 1998 to spend in the unit of colorectal surgery
  • Polished Bariatric Work In Amsterdam 2004, In New York With Michele Gagner (DS) & In Fresno With Kelvin Higa (Gastric Bypass) 2005.
  • Live demonstration of gastric bypass in IFSO congress in Delhi in 2012 and then Gastric Sleeve, gastric bypass and DS in  Homerton symposiums in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 apart from the training programmes.
  • Awarded in the House of Lords private dinner in London in 2018


1. Started The Bariatric Surgery In The Royal London Hospital In 1998

2. Established Bariatric surgery centre in Homerton University Hospital, London in 2003 and made into one of the biggest and well known unit in UK performing 500 bariatric surgeries a year

3. Established Department Of Surgery In Mediciti Hospital, Hyderabad In 1995

4. Established Surgical Department In Mediciti Hospital, Hyderabad In 1995.

5. One Of The First Few To Start Laparoscopic Surgery In 1990 And Developed    Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery In The Royal London Hospital

6. With Oliver Mcanena In Royal London Hospital, London In 1991 Developed Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

        6a. Performed Laparoscopic Oesophagectomies, Gastrectomies, Colectomies, And Helped Gynaecologists To Learn  Hysterectomies and             Urologists To Learn Nephrectomy And Cystectomy 

7. Trained A Lot Of Surgeons In Bariatric And Laparoscopic Surgery In Uk And Abroad

8. Conducted 6 Well Reputed 2 Day Homerton Bariatric Surgery Symposiums With International Speakers And Operators 

9. To Establish Bariatric Standards In Uk Conducted 7 Well Recognised 2 Day Homerton Bariatric Surgery Training Courses

10. Perform All Types Of Revision Surgeries Apart From Sleeve, Bypass, DS, SADI. Performed More Than 7,500 Bariatric Surgeries

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