Dr. Kiran Kumar Mukku

Senior Consultant Nephrologist & Renal Transplant Physician Specialist in Dialysis & Hypertension

OP Timing:

10:00am - 04:00pm10:00am - 04:00pm10:00am - 04:00pm10:00am - 04:00pm10:00am - 04:00pm10:00am - 04:00pmNot Available


  • DM Nephrology from Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), Hyderabad
  • MD General Medicine from Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry
  • MBBS from Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry


  • Senior Registrar, Dept Of Nephrology, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) Hyderabad Aug 2015 - Aug 2016
  • Consultant Nephrologist & Renal Transplant Physician at Virinchi Hospitals, Banjara Hills Road #1, Hyderabad Sep 2016 - Aug 2020
  • Consultant Nephrologist & Renal Transplant Physician at Continental Hospitals (a JCI Institution) , Financial District, Hyderabad Aug 2020 - Feb 2023
  • Consultant Nephrologist & Renal Transplant Physician at Medicover Hospitals, Begumpet and Hitech City Feb 2023 - Jan 2025
  • Senior Consultant Nephrologist & Renal Transplant Physician at KIMS, Kondapur till date 


Has over 15 years of experience in the field of General Medicine and Nephrology.

Specialist in Kidney Transplantation - both living donor & Deceased donor, ABO incompatible kidney transplants, Dialysis including Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis, CRRT, online HDF, Plasmapheresis, Hemoperfusion for acute poisonings, management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) , Acute Kidney Injury, Hypertension, Nephrotic syndrome, Renal stone diseases, Complicated UTIs, Uric acid disorders, Electrolyte disorders including hypo/hypernatremia, hypo/hyperkalemia, Pregnancy related AKI.

Well-versed in insertions of dialysis catheters - both tunneled and un-tunneled catheters, percutaneous PD catheters, Native kidney biopsies, and Graft (kidney transplant) biopsies.

Papers & Publications

1. During Undergraduation a. Completed short-term project on “Clinico-mycological study of Dermatophytosis” under ICMR b. Presented a paper on “Clinico-mycological study of Dermatophytosis” at the JIPMER SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY meeting held on 25.03.2003

2. During post-graduation (MD)

A. Presented a poster on “Plasma cell leukemia: A Case report” at 49th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine in September 2008

B. Panigrahi AK, Subrahmanyam DK, Mukku KK. Imidacloprid poisoning: A Case report. Am J Emerg Med. 2009 Feb;27(2):256

3. During DM course

A. Publications 1. Mukku KK, Raju S, Yelanati R. Refractory giardiasis in renal transplantation: a case report. Nephrology (Carlton). 2015 Jan;20(1):44

B. Mukku KK, Devaraju SBR, Surendra M, Chandragiri S, Suresh A. Intra-arterial thrombolysis for acute thrombosis of Arterio-venous fistula: Experience at the tertiary care center. Submitted manuscript to Artificial Organs.

C. SB Mandarapu, KK Mukku, SB Raju, S Chandragiri. Goodpasture's disease in a patient with Kartagener's syndrome: An unusual association. Advanced online publication. http:// www.indianjnephrol.org/temp/ IndianJNephrol000-4268413_115124.pdf

D. Surendra M, Raju S B, Raju N, Chandragiri S, Mukku K K, Uppin M S. Rituximab in the treatment of refractory late acute antibody-mediated rejection: Our initial experience. Advance online publication. http:// w w w . i n d i a n j n e p h r o l . o r g / t e m p / IndianJNephrol000-4325242_120052.pdf

E. SB Mandarapu, KK Mukku, SB Raju, S Chandragiri. Successful catheter reinsertion in a case of Paecilomyces varioti peritonitis in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Indian J Nephrol. 2015 May-Jun; 25(3): 177–179

F. S Chandragiri, S Raju, KK Mukku, S Babu, MS Uppin. Idiopathic nodular glomerulosclerosis: Report of two cases and review of literature. Indian J Nephrol 2016;26:145-8

G. R. Goli, K. K. Mukku, S. B. R. Devaraju, M. S. U p p i n . A c y c l o v i r i n d u c e d t h r omb o t i c microangiopathy. Accepted for publication by Indian J Nephrol 8. Nimmagadda S, KK Mukku, SBR Devaraju, MS Uppin. Unusual cause of glomerular deposition disease: Collagenofibrotic Glomerulopathy, a Case report. Accepted for publication by Indian J Nephrol

H. Surendra M, Raju S, Mukku K K, Ved Prakash C H, Raju N. Coronary angiography profile at the time of hemodialysis initiation in end-stage renal disease population: A retrospective analysis. Indian J Nephrol 2018;28:370-3

I. Raju S, Mukku KK, Nagalla V (2018). SP596 Intra Arterial Thrombolysis For Acute Thrombosis Of Arterio-Venous Fistula: A Tertiary Care Centre Experience. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 33. i548-i548.


  1. Mukku KK, Raju S, Yelanati R. Giardiasis in renal transplantation: a case report – presented at 44th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nephrology 2013
  2. Mukku KK, Raju S, Yelanati R. Acute thrombosis of av fistula – effect of intra-arterial thrombolysis: our initial experience - presented at 44th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nephrology 2013
  3. Mukku KK, Raju S, Mandarapu SB, Susmitha C, Nimmagadda S, Goli R. Rituximab in glomerular diseases: our initial experience. Free paper presentation at the Annual meeting of the Indian Society of Nephrology Southern Chapter Conference 2015
  4. Mukku KK, Raju S, Mandarapu SB, Susmitha C, Nimmagadda S, Goli R. Infliximab in secondary renal amyloidosis: our initial experience – presented at Annual meeting of Indian Society of Nephrology Southern Chapter Conference 2015
  5. Mukku KK, Mandarapu SB, Raju SB. Coronary Angiography Profile at the initiation of hemodialysis among Indian patients with end-stage renal disease. Presented at 55th ERA- EDTA Congress 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Post DM - Papers and publications :

  1. Jha R, Mukku KK. Uremic toxins, oxidative stress, and inflammation in chronic kidney disease. J Renal Nutr Metab 2019;5:48-50
  2. Jha R, Mukku KK, Rakesh AK, Sinha S. Successful treatment of severe heart failure in advanced diabetic kidney disease using Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibitors (Sacubitril/valsartan)- Report of two cases with review of options in literature - Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Nephrology on 4/9/2020
  3. Kumar K, Jha R. Effect of lockdown on patient care during COVID-19 pandemic. J Renal Nutr Metab [serial online] 2020 [cited 2021 May 6];6:24-6.
  4. Jha R, Mukku KK, Pantula Srikanth. “Clinical Manifestations and Evaluation of patients with chronic kidney disease.” Nephrology for Physicians: Chronic Kidney disease. Edited by R Kasi Visweswaran, Tree Life Media, 2018, pp 9-24.

Awards & Accolades :

  • Recognized as ‘Vaidya Ratna’ by Suman Arts & Theatre in 2017
  • Received 'The Rising Star of the Year 2018 “ in Nephrology from Times Healthcare Achievers (Telugu states) 2018
  • Honored as ‘Shining Nephrostar’ by the Times group in March 2021
  • Felicitated as one of the prominent 9 nephrologists of Hyderabad by former Chief Justice of India Justice N V Ramana as part of Hi9 Healthcare Carnival awards 2023 on 23/8/2023
  • Felicitated by Telangana State Health Minister Sri Harish Rao as part of HMTV Healthcare Awards on 16th Sep 2023

Memberships :

  1. Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN)
  2. European Renal Association (ERA)
  3. American Society of Nephrology (ASN)
  4. Peritoneal Dialysis Society of India (PDSI)
  5. Indian Society of Nephrology - Southern Chapter (ISNSC)
  6. Indian Society of Organ Transplant (ISOT)

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