
IVF Centre

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART). IVF is done to help a woman become pregnant. It is used to treat many causes of infertility, including: Advanced age of the woman (advanced maternal age); Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes (can be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease or prior reproductive surgery); Endometriosis; Male factor infertility, including decreased sperm count and blockage and Unexplained infertility.

All of the care and services in IVF that couples may need are available at KIMS. In every case, members of the KIMS team are among the most experienced and accomplished medical professionals in their fields, including specialists in reproductive endocrinology, reproductive urology, embryology, andrology, immunology, gynecology and other related areas. Our IVF Center makes it possible for KIMS to provide coordinated, collaborative care for both men and women.

The most effective medical treatment is just the beginning of our commitment to patient care at KIMS. Our staff also includes nurses and nurse practitioners, psychologists and patient counsellors who specialize in issues related to infertility and parenting. They are available to provide special guidance in many areas, including stress management, relationship issues, dealing with family or friends, and handling problems in the workplace related to their treatment or infertility.

Our team of

Expert Doctors



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