
Diagnostics and Imaging

Orthopedic medicine, at KIMS Hospital, encompasses the entire musculoskeletal system, and there are countless conditions – elective and emergency – for which patients seek orthopedic care.

Common orthopedic conditions treated at KIMS include: Arthritic Conditions; Back, Neck and Spine Conditions; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Congenital Deformities – conditions present at birth; Degenerative Joint Conditions; Emergency Fractures; Hand and Foot Conditions; Ligament Injuries and Sports-related Injuries.

Our orthopaedic surgeons use a variety of diagnostic tests to help identify the specific nature of your musculoskeletal injury or condition. Our orthopaedists also use results of these tests to plan an appropriate course of treatment.

The use of electromagnetic radiation and other technologies to produce images of inside body structures for precise diagnosis is known as diagnostic imaging, sometimes known as medical imaging. Diagnostic imaging is similar to radiology, the area of medicine that employs radiation to identify and treat disorders.You must contact the doctor to know about the Best Diagnostic Centre in Hyderabad Or the Top Imaging Hospital in Hyderabad.

But before knowing about Diagnostic hospital in hyderabad or Diagnostics and Imaging Hospital In Hyderabad are some other essential things to know about.Other technologies, such as endoscopy and comparable techniques, which use a flexible optical equipment with a camera for imaging, may also be used. Ultrasound, which uses sound waves to visualise tissues.

Diagnostics and Imaging Detail

The Best Diagnostic Centre in Hyderabad and the Top Imaging Hospital in Hyderabad vary from place to place. So before getting the treatment, you must be aware of the Diagnostic hospital in hyderabad & Diagnostics and Imaging Hospital In Hyderabad.

To get the best treatment you must be aware of the Best Diagnostic Centre in Hyderabad and Top Imaging Hospital in Hyderabad. After knowing the Top Imaging Hospital in Hyderabad.

The entire musculoskeletal system is covered by orthopaedic medicine, and both elective and urgent conditions necessitate orthopaedic therapy.

Arthritic conditions, back, neck, and spine problems, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, congenital deformities (conditions present at birth), degenerative joint conditions, emergency fractures, hand and foot conditions, ligament injuries, and sports-related injuries are among the most common orthopaedic conditions.

Several diagnostic procedures are used by our orthopaedic surgeons to determine the precise nature of your musculoskeletal injury or ailment. The outcomes of these tests are also used by our orthopaedists to determine the best course of treatment.

Health Imaging Methods

1. Radiography

The first radiation to provide images of the inside of the body was X-rays, which have been in use since 1895. Photographic film is darkened when X-rays hit it because they penetrate body tissues. Differentially when the X-rays pass through the tissues, denser materials like bones absorb more of the photons, blocking them from reaching the film. Soft tissues, on the other hand, absorb less radiation. As a result, when an X-ray image of the inside of the body is taken, soft tissues look darker on the exposed film and bones appear lighter.

2. Nuclear Medicine

Radioactive isotopes that have been introduced into tissues are scanned in nuclear medicine, a field of medicine. Both isotope scanning and X-ray photography are used in brain scanning. Isotope scanning is related to the imaging method known as positron emission tomography. Another type of diagnostic imaging is nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, which produces images of thin slices of the body using very high-frequency radio waves.

3. Endoscopy and Related Procedures

Examples of procedures that involve generally flexible optical tools that can be placed via openings in the body that are either natural or surgical in origin include endoscopy, laparoscopy, and colposcopy.

4. CT Scan

Doctors also refer to a CT scan as a "cat scan." A succession of X-ray scans or photos captured from various angles make up the examination. Following that, the computer programme produces cross-sectional images (slices) of the body's soft tissues and blood vessels. Compared to traditional X-rays, CT scans can produce a more detailed image. They are typically applied to swiftly assess patients who have experienced internal wounds as a result of trauma.


1. What are radiology and medical diagnostic imaging?

Diagnostic imaging describes a number of non-invasive techniques for identifying and tracking illnesses or injuries by creating images of the patient's interior organs and anatomical features.

2. What can imaging tests for diagnosis do for you?

Fortunately, diagnostic imaging tests can perform tasks that the eye cannot. Radiologic technologists who don't wear capes create these diagnostic imaging methods and use their "powers" to help save lives. Since diagnostic imaging is non-invasive, doctors can examine patients without performing surgery.

3. What does Diagnos mean?

Imaging equipment, processes, and methods for diagnostic imaging with lit optical scopes. Utilizing generally flexible optical tools that can be introduced via openings in the body that are either natural or surgical in origin, procedures including endoscopy, laparoscopy, and colposcopy are performed.