Automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD): AICD monitors the rhythm and provides pacing.
Cardiac biopsy: The biopsy samples a small piece of the heart to determine the cause of the heart muscle problem.
Cardiac MRI: A highly specialized type of MRI to study the heart muscle, valves, and arteries.
Cardiomems implantable pulmonary artery pressure monitor: Guides medication treatment.
Cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPX or CPET): This test analyses the heart and lung function to understand the cause of shortness of breath.
Echocardiogram (ECG): ECG checks the heart muscle and valve function.
Left heart catheterization: A catheter is passed into the heart to check for blockages in the artery.
Biomarker testing (NTproBNP)
Vo2max exercise testing
PET scan: This scan is used to search the heart muscle that would benefit from a stent.
Right heart catheterization: A catheter is inserted into the right internal jugular vein and advanced into the right heart and pulmonary artery for hemodynamic assessment.
Technetium pyrophosphate scan: A nuclear study to identify a type of amyloidosis in the heart.
ZIO patch, Holter monitors, and implanted loop recorders: Detect heart rhythm abnormalities.