Best Neuro Critical Care Specialist in Hyderabad

profile photo ofDr. Manas Kumar Panigrahi

Dr. Manas Kumar Panigrahi

HOD & Sr. Consultant Neurosurgery

profile photo ofDr. R. Chandrasekhar Naidu

Dr. R. Chandrasekhar Naidu

Sr. Consultant Neurosurgery

profile photo ofDr. Sujit Kumar Vidiyala

Dr. Sujit Kumar Vidiyala

Sr. Consultant Neurosurgery

profile photo ofDr. Vyjayanth. T

Dr. Vyjayanth. T

Jr. Consultant Neurosurgery

Best Neurosciences Critical Care Specialist in Hyderabad

Many doctors may see you in the NCCU, including attending doctors, resident specialists, medical students and advanced practitioners. The main teams are neurocritical care, neurology and neurosurgery. In some situations, you may be sent to heart, lung, kidney, infection, blood experts and other surgical teams.

The neurocritical care team sees every patient in the NCCU. The team is managed by a board certified neurointensivist and supported by residents, advanced practice doctors and pharmacists. A neurointensivist is a doctor, usually a neurologist or neurosurgeon, who specializes in neurocritical care, airway management and basic life support. The neurocritical care team looks after every organ in your body, including your brain, heart, lungs, and kidneys and performs numerous procedures in the NCCU. The neurocritical care team does rounds in the middle of the morning. A member of the Neurocritical care team is constantly present in the NCCU. The neurocritical care team does not see you after you leave the NCCU or the hospital.