The department of cardiology at KIMS hospital is equipped with the most advanced, highly sophisticated state of the art equipment as its diagnostic tools. The machines are continuously upgraded and serviced with dedicated in-house department of Bio-Medical Engineers. ECG’s are done by Phillips page writer TC-30 for flawless recording. Echocardiograms are performed on Phillips IE 33, the world’s most advanced sold systems.
The department of cardiology equipped with three State of art cathlabs.
FD 10, FD 20 clarity and Phillips allura. The newly acquired FD 20 clarity has 70 % low radiation apart from clearer images. We believe in safety of the patient as much as we strive for quality of image.
FD 20: KIMS installed south India’s first FD20 clarity cathlab. Apart from having most advanced features like exceptional image quality, noise reduction, image enhancement, edge sharpening, the machine is patient friendly by reducing up to 73 % of X-ray dose to the patient. While performing long duration procedures like neuroradiology and electrophysiology we at KIMS care for the patient safety as much as we care for better images and positive outcomes.