Dr. H. Raghavendra
Chief Consultant Neurosurgeon & Spine Surgeon
OP Timing:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
09:00am - 04:00pm | 09:00am - 04:00pm
| 09:00am - 04:00pm
| 09:00am - 04:00pm
| 09:00am - 04:00pm
| 09:00am - 04:00pm
| Not Available |
I. Qualification:
- MBBS, VIMS Bellary & RGHUS, Bangalore, 2005.
- MS (General Surgery), GSVMMS/CSJMU, Kanpur, 2009.
- MCh (Neurosurgery) Gold Medalist, PGIMER & Dr. RML Hospital, Delhi, 2013.
II. Clinical Experience:
- One year rotary internship after passing MBBS (Final) between 2004-2005 in VIMS, Bellary.
- Junior Resident Dept. of General Surgery at GSVM Medical College, LLR & Associated Hospitals, Kanpur, 2006-2009.
- Worked as Assistant Professor (Gen. Surgery), PESIMSR, Kuppam, 2009-2010.
- Senior Resident, Dept. of Neurosurgery, PGIMER & Dr. RML Hospital, Delhi, 2010-2013.
- Fellow Microvascular Neurosurgery at KIMS Hospitals, Secunderabad, 2013-2014.
- Fellow Spine Surgery, Dept. of Neurosurgery at KIMS Hospitals, Secunderabad, 2014-2015.
- Senior Consultant, Dept. Neurosurgery at KIMS Hospitals, Secunderabad, 2014-2017.
- Trauma fellowship at Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, 2017.
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery at ESICMC & SSH, Hyderabad, 2017-2019.
- Consultant Neurosurgeon, Sree Lakshmi Gayathri Hospital, Bachupally, 2019-2022.
- Consultant Neurosurgeon, KIMS Hospitals, Gachibowli, 2022-till date.
III. Paper Publication:
- Harpanahalli R, Suryanarayanan B, Bhardwaj M, Gupta LN, Cerebellar Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. Indian J Neurosurg 2013; 2:301-4.
- Raghavendra H, Manas Panigraghi, Brainstem Cavernous Malformation: Experience at a Tertiary Care Hospital. J Med. Res. 2015; 3(4):177-182.
- Raghavendra H, Pendyala S, Punit T, Panigraghi MK, Spontaneous trans and externalization of ventriculoperitoneal shut. J Med Sci Res. 2016; 4(1):8-10.
- Raghavendra H, Varsha KS, Reddy A, Sujith 5, Rao KT, Sunanda G, Latha S. Post-surgical giant pseudo meningocele in a patient with cervical neurofibroma: Case report and literature review. J Med Sci Res. a.2017;5(3):98-101.
- Raghavendra H, Kumar D, Kesri V, Panigraghi MK, Sailaja M. Primary melanocytic tumor of the cerebellopontine angle mimicking acoustic schwannoma: Case report. J Med Sci Res. 2017; 5(3)106-110
- Raghavendra H, Varsha K 5, Reddy M A, Kumar SS, Sunanda G, Nagarjuna T, Latha S. Rescue measure in giant intracranial meningioma resection by tranexamic acid. J Neurosci Rural Pract [serial online] 2017 [cited 2018 Mar 10];8:127-129
- Raghavendra H, Kumar MD, Panigraghi M, Reddy SM. Solitary giant extradural plasmacytoma. Asian J Neurosurg 2017; 12:721-3.
- Varsha K 5, Raghavendra H, Jyothsna, Niranjan, Dexmedetomidine, the ideal drug for attenuating hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation., Indian journal of applied research: Volume-7 Issue-6 I June-201
- Raghavendra H, Varsha K S, L N Gupta, Meenakshi "Case Report- Supratentorial Atypical Teratoid / Rhabdoid Tumor (ATRT) in a Six-Year-Old Child", International Journal of Science and Research(IJSR}, https//www. ilsr net/archive/v6i5/v6i5,php, Volume 6 Issue 5 May 2077, 7 292 - 7294, DOI: 7 027 275/ART20 7 73562
- Microscope - Integrated near-infrared Indocyanine Green video Angiography (ICG-VA) during surgery of Cerebral Aneurysms: The KIMS Experience Raghavendra H, Dilip Kumar, Manas panigrahi Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Secunderabad. Sep 2015 - Mar 2016 • Volume 2 • Journal of Cerebro Vascular Sciences pg
- Aneurysm encased in anterior skull base meningioma, Review of two cases Raghavendra H, Shaikh Samiruddin, Dilip Kumar, Manoranjitha Kumari, Manas panigrahi Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Secunderabad. April -July 2017 • Volume 5 • Journal of Cerebro Vascular Sciences pg 27-29
- Raghavendra H, Mujeeb F, Reddy A, Sreevani, Bachu RM, Kumar SS, Rani L, Varsha KS, Kalyan Rao T. Schwannoma of intermediate supraclavicular nerve: A case report. J Med Sci Res. 2017; 5(4)139- 141.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/1 0.17727/.1MSR.2017/5-26
- Quantifying the Burden of Road Traffic Accidents (Dr. Raghavendra, Dr. Sudhindra Vooturi, and Dr. Manas Panigrahi, Department of Neurosurgery, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Secunderabad, Telangana, and others)
- Unusual Intraspinal Migration of Ingested Foreign Body. Macharla DK', Harpanahalli R`), PanigrahiV. World Neurosurg. 2078 Dec720.516-520. dol. 1070164wneu.201809.174. Epub 2018 Sep 26
- Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia: Preliminary experience. Raghavendra H, Varsha KS, Sobti S. J Med Sci Res. 2019; 7(2):32-35. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17727/JMSR.2019/7-
- Can serum biomarkers prognosticate the outcome of traumatic brain injury (TBI)?. Raghavendra H, Varsha KS, 5, Bhaskar 5, Choudary A, Gupta LN, Anubhuti. J Med Sci Res. 2019; 7(2):43- 50. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17727/JMSR.2019/7-9 C.
- Clinico-radiological Correlation with Outcome in Traumatic Pediatric Extradural Hematoma: A Single Institutional Experience Shivender Sobti, Manuranjan Goyaril, Raghavendra Harpanahalli Laxmi, Narayan Gupta, Ajay Choudhary, Anil Taneja © 2020 Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences.
- Veeramachaneni Leela Rani, Ratna Gosain, Vidya Kedarisetty, Samson Sujith Kumar, H Raghavendra. Trends of Central Nervous System Tumours and their Histological Subtypes in a Tertiary Care Centre in Southern. India National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2021 Apr, Vol-10(2): P019-P024.
- Veeramachaneni Leela Rani, Ratna Gosain, Vidya Kedarisetty, Samson Sujith Kumar, H Raghavendra Histopathological study of meningiomas in relation to immunohistochemistry marker- PR. Volume - 10 Issue 05 I May - 2021 l PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 I DO! : 10.36106/ijsr. International journal of scientific research.
- Giant encephaloceles: These are always challenging tasks ( accepted In JNRP)
- Cervico-medullary compression by intradural extramedullary neurenteric cyst at a craniovertebral junction: a case report (Accepted in Asian Journal of Neurosciences)
IV. Membership:
- Life member of the Indian Medical Association
- Life member of the Neurotrauma Society of India
- Member of Brain & Spine Society
- Life member of the Society of Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of India
- Life member of the Neurological Society of India
V. Honors & Awards:
- Topper of the College for 1st Phase MBBS in Sep 2000, VIMS, Bellary.
- Runner-up in Post Graduate Surgical Quiz Competition at National Level at ASICON 2008, Ludhiana.
- The national level entrance exam ranked 1 in neurosurgery, and the exams were conducted at GGSIPU Delhi. (2010)
- National level entrance exam rank 6 in Neurosurgery, exams conducted NIMHANS Bangalore (2010)
- Participated in the Grand national finale of Torrent Young Scholar Award Neurosurgery, Ahmedabad (2012)
- Best paper presentation in National seminar on road traffic accident - salvaging the victims August -2013 Bhubaneshwar
- Institute topper for Mch Neurosurgery PGIMER & Dr. RML hospital New Delhi 2014
- Sri Venkateshwara institute of medical sciences award VIMS award at APNSI2014
- Gold medal awards university topper GGSIP university Delhi 2015
- ALFRED award at Neurotrauma society of India conference at Delhi 2016 Award received Australian - Canadian trauma meet Melbourne 2017s Recipient of Parimala Puraskara by Parimala consultants Bangalore 2017
- Certificate of appreciation by Baidya Nath Neurosurgery charitable trust, Mumbai 2018
- Best paper award for Epilepsy category at Neurological Society of India, NSICON 2019
- Rising star award in Neurosurgery Telangana Times Health care achievers Hyderabad 2020
- Best paper award for Neurosurgery poster, Telangana Neurosciences meet Hyderabad 2020
- The best paper award, Annual Neuroendoscopy society of India, NESI Hyderabad -2021
- Best E-poster award.CIPLA INTENSE annual meet Mumbai -2021
- Trailblazer award in Neurosurgery by HYBIZ TV, Hyderabad -2021
- Best paper award for Neurosurgery poster, Telangana Neurosciences Warangal 2022