KIMS Urologists are now performing robotic partial nephrectomy surgery for patients with kidney cancer. The object of partial nephrectomy surgery is to remove a tumor and leave the remaining kidney in place. In addition to robotic surgery, the surgical techniques used today to perform partial nephrectomy include open surgery and laparoscopic surgery.
One of the most innovative treatments for prostate cancer is Robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy – removal of the prostate gland. KIMS is a leader in performing this minimally invasive, high-tech treatment. Robotic prostatectomy offers similar and often better outcomes than traditional prostate cancer surgery. In addition, by using the robotic technique there is greater nerve-sparing resulting in less chance of erectile dysfunction (ED) and urinary discontinence.
Robotic Pyeloplasty is a surgical procedure to repair blockages in the ureter, called ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction, that occur near the kidney.
Robotic Pyelotomy is the partial surgical removal of the kidney.
Robotic repair of the vesicovaginal fistula requires placement of ports for robotic repair, incision of the bladder and cystotomy in reverse tennis racquet fashion encircling the fistula, excision and freshening of the fistulous margins after complete separation of the bladder from the vagina, closure of the vaginal opening horizontally and bladder opening vertically with interrupted Vicryl sutures, and, finally, interposition of the momentum between these suture lines.
Da Vinci Sacrocolpopexy (dSCP):
The prolapsed vagina, bladder and rectum are placed in the correct position by using synthetic mesh material for added strength. This procedure has been proven to be the most effective treatment for vaginal prolapse. Urogynecology Consultants is one a few practices to perform this procedure.
Using a large abdominal incision. Hysterectomies for conditions such as bleeding, endometriosis, and fibroids can be complex but robotic technology allows them to be performed with small incisions. These hysterectomies can be done with or without removal of the cervix (supracervical hysterectomy) and with or without removal of the ovaries.
Da Vinci Myomectomy (dVM):
This is a uterine sparing treatment for benign uterine leiomyoma (fibroids). The leiomyoma is removed from the uterus and the uterus is repaired and left in the body. It is an ideal treatment for patients who desire to retain their fertilit.